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10.6 years ago
I'm trying to annotate a list of organisms taken from NCBI for cellularity (unicellular or multicellular). Have any of you ever found a database with association between an organisms' name or taxa and whether it is unicellular or multicellular? Desirably, I would like to get information both on species level and on higher taxonomic level (phyla, classes, etc.), but any information on this is welcomed.
In case it matters, I'm using Perl to do this annotation.
Thanks in advance
I hadn't and it will be very useful. However, it doesn't answer my main question about the organisms' cellularity (or does it and I'm just not finding how? If this was in any database I could connect mine with that one).
p.s. - maybe my question wasn't clear enough so I edited it.
Yes, I see the point. Unfortunately, googling for "Multicellular Organism database" doesn't really bring up a lot (includes this post in the top list). Maybe you even need to define your own list of taxa, e.g. Plantae, animalia and fungi will always be multi-cellular. More difficult for other taxa with partial uni/multicellularity with a lot of exceptions. If you find or compile such a list, you can use this package though to classify if each organism is a descendant of one of the lineages.
In any case thanks for your help Michael. I'll be honest and say that I have never used any packages in Perl aside from those for debugging, but this one seems very cool and should be handy!