Has anyone had success convincing the makeblastdb command to create a DB where the name (-out option) has a space in it? I have tried enclosing the name in two sets of quotes like in the manual both like ' "DB name" ' and with unicode single-quotes instead of apostrophes. In the first case I get: BLAST options error: Please provide a database name using -out, and in the second I get a longer error message, the meat of which seems to be: "BLAST options error: Please provide a database name using -out"
have you tried -out DB name
or if your command works when you rename the database to contain underscores instead of spaces?
@Michael: It does. This would not be an issue if I just wanted to create one DB, but I'm working on a program that runs user-supplied fasta files through makeblastdb and manages their databases. I wanted to keep the names they gave but I think I may just have to rename them.