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14.3 years ago
I have run fasta file in http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/clustalw2/index.html and got alignment file. Can anyone explain me how to get alignment score given in the right column of this output file -> http://pastebin.com/BhCMf34f
I want to generate following alignment score but couldn't make it.
Thanks in advance
OK, I think you want to set the option
option toON
when you run clustal.Those aren't alignment scores, they're a counter for how far along the input sequence each break is. They are part of the Clustal format (The alignment score applies to the whole alignment, not one section of it).
Dear David, could you please enter your comment as an answer as well. That way people won't get discouraged when seeing an seemingly unanswered question.
I'm sorry Thaman, but what do you mean by "alignment score? The number you see at the end (is that what you refer to as the "right column"?) is simply the number of AA from the start of that sequence...
The numbers on the right side of that file are sequence positions for each sequence, not scores, unless I am missing something.
Sorry i have misunderstood then, but output generated by the clustalw(.aln) doesn't have this record in the file. There are just sequence description and sequences in individual lines.
@David w- Thanks that's what i want.