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10.1 years ago
Hi all.
I was running coverageBed with my exome bam file but it takes too long time and it hasn't returned output value.
Is it right that coverageBed takes much time to finish?
my bed file was very tiny so I thought that something might go in a wrong way.
below is my command and my bed file.
coverageBed -abam /DATA1/dmcb/TAR22_WES/TAR22S_sequence_readgroup_sort_dup_remove_realigned_recal.bam -b fgfr.bed -d > TAR22.cov.del.b36 10 123239372 123239472
Related question: is there a tool that will do the same thing more quickly, possibly using an index for the bam file? After all, IGV can plot the coverage for a small region very quickly even for a large BAM file.
does not only report coverage, but bins of coverage. if per base coverage is needed,samtools depth input.bam
can be used, and it's fairly fast (uplimited to 8000x though).How big is your bam file??
my bam file size is approximately 20G.
I thought that file B size was small that I expected it will take just less than 10 minutes.. but it is my mistake
therefore, how big is your fgfr.bed file? may it be restricting your output to that single region?
sharing a
samtools view input.bam | head
plus ahead fgfr.bed
outputs would help.