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12.9 years ago
Hi, how can i convert refseqids (mouse) to gene symbols?
Hi, how can i convert refseqids (mouse) to gene symbols?
you could use the UCSC database for mus musculus:
$ mysql --user=genome --host=genome-mysql.cse.ucsc.edu -A -D mm9 \
-e "select distinct refseq,geneSymbol from kgXref where refseq in ('NM_008866','NM_011541','NM_011011') "
| refseq | geneSymbol |
| NM_008866 | Lypla1 |
| NM_011011 | Oprk1 |
| NM_011541 | Tcea1 |
use MyGene.info API, python and R clients are available.
For Python:
pip install mygene
import mygene
mg = mygene.MyGeneInfo()
mg.querymany(['NM_008866','NM_011541','NM_011011'], scopes='refseq')
that's it!
You could download refseq gene list in "all" format instead of "BED" format using Galaxy http://main.g2.bx.psu.edu/ and then print the selected columns using unix command.
Use the following command
awk '{print $2"\t"$13}' all_refseq.list
Ex: NM_001195025 Nuak2
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