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9.9 years ago
Hi everyone, i am using bioperl to do blast 2 sequence. I need to output as a tabular format. I saw some post where they mention we need to use -m8 to get tabular output. But in my code its not working. Can anyone help me out what i am missing in this code.
use Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlastPlus;
#use Excel::Writer::XLSX;
use strict;
use Bio::SearchIO;
my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlastPlus->new(
-db_data =>'test.fasta', # Specifies the file to use for database
-create =>1 # Creates a new temporary database
my $result = $factory->blastn(
-query =>'H1.fasta', # Specifies the query file
-outfmt => -m8,
-outfile =>'out_H1' # Specifies the output location
$factory->cleanup; # Deletes the temporary database files
@mikhail You can write this as answer not a comment ;)
Well I have not checked this code actually ("my code its not working"), so I don't know if the OP has any other issues and just wrote a quick suggestion :)
@mikhail... After I answered the OP question , I realized it was exactly like yours ... So, I deleted it after posting although I'm almost sure it's the correct answer !!
Good luck with up voted answers ;)