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9.6 years ago
Hi all,
I have a list of human genes (ENTREZ gene ID).
I would like to know the location of each gene.
i.e. : gene 8639 -> Chromsome 17.
I use R.
Hi all,
I have a list of human genes (ENTREZ gene ID).
I would like to know the location of each gene.
i.e. : gene 8639 -> Chromsome 17.
I use R.
Biomart is your friend. That URL goes to a search for the chromosome of the gene with Entrez ID 8639. Just add more genes in the "Filter" section or use the R or perl interface if that's more convenient.
May biomaRt help? http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/biomaRt.html
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Thank you all Guys !