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9.3 years ago
Hello everyone,
I am trying to convert this set of sra files into the fastq format with the latest version of sratoolkit
But I am getting an error which says the following:
fastq-dump.2.5.2 err: connection busy while validating within network system module - failed ERR375895.sra.
Could anyone please tell me how to resolve this? It would be of great help!
Have you downloaded the SRA file, or are you downloading it on the fly via sra-toolkit? Maybe fastq-dump is trying to download it but has not been properly configured for downloading. Configuring instructions here: https://github.com/ncbi/sra-tools/wiki/Toolkit-Configuration
I have already downloaded the sra file and converting it on the terminal. I am doing this job on a cluster, and when I run the config file, it gives me a system look up error!
Add sratoolkit to environment variables
And what is the exact command that you're using?
The command is as follows: