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9.3 years ago
Hi all
I am currently trying to draw up a synteny map using Biopython's GenomeDiagram package. I have been able to complete some examples with .gb files and now I want to try it on my own data.
Problem: my data is in fasta format. Any one with experience on this?
- Can GenomeDiagram use fasta files?
- Has anyone tried to convert fasta to genbank files?
Help will be much appreciated!
can you post the code you've used with your genbank file?
GenomeDiagram doesn't draw sequences - they are just the horizontal scale/axis, what you draw is usually annotation/features along the sequence (as boxes, arrows, etc). You're probably using the annotation from a GenBank file (e.g. genes as SeqFeature objects), but do you have similar annotation for your FASTA sequences?