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8.7 years ago
Dear all,
Sorry for my ignorance, even though the name of dbsnp implies that its for SNP, I found this part in dbsnp article, Should I apply dbsnp removal to my indel vcf too?
My data is from ICGC consortium. I have one snv and one indel vcfs for every single patient.
"..database submissions can include a broad range of molecular polymorphisms: single base nucleotide substitutions, short deletion and insertion polymorphisms, microsatellite markers, and polymorphic insertion elements such as retrotransposons."
hi, dbSNP does contain InDels as well. A primer here. So you might want to filter dbSNP InDels. Though the relevance or lack of it depends on your biological question.
For some reason, dbsnp annotation of indel vcf is taking too long. I wanted to be sure that if I need to do this.
Thank you very much for your answer