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8.1 years ago
Hi, I'm working with a de novo genome assembly and I want to view the read alignments in IGV. I have already sorted and indexed (.bam and .bai) the reads, but when try to view them in IGV nothing happens.
as-munoz:~ andrewcrawford$ /Users/andrewcrawford/Instaladores/samtools-0.1.19/samtools view -h /Volumes/Biomics_Transcriptomics/Datos_Tesis_Santiago_Herrera/Dovetail/bams/chicagoLibrary1.a.lines.snap.md.sorted.bam | head -30
@HD VN:1.4 SO:coordinate
@RG ID:FASTQ PL:Illumina PU:pu LB:lb SM:sm
@PG ID:SNAP PN:SNAP CL:paired /mnt/projects/capybara/results/a.lines/snap_index_16 merged_r1.fq.gz merged_r2.fq.gz -t 16 -o -bam aln/capybara.CP1786.snap.md.sorted.bamtmp.bam -ku -as -C-+ -tj GATCGATC -mrl 20 -pf analysis/alignment_stats.txt VN:1.0dev.67_as
@SQ SN:flattened_line_0 LN:1915822
@SQ SN:flattened_line_2 LN:1534219
@SQ SN:flattened_line_4 LN:1469672
@SQ SN:flattened_line_6 LN:1370607
@SQ SN:flattened_line_8 LN:1283437
@SQ SN:flattened_line_10 LN:1278185
@SQ SN:flattened_line_12 LN:1243555
@SQ SN:flattened_line_14 LN:1221447
@SQ SN:flattened_line_16 LN:1204894
@SQ SN:flattened_line_18 LN:1187301
@SQ SN:flattened_line_20 LN:1170803
@SQ SN:flattened_line_22 LN:1147142
@SQ SN:flattened_line_24 LN:1127848
@SQ SN:flattened_line_26 LN:1116213
@SQ SN:flattened_line_28 LN:1097203
@SQ SN:flattened_line_30 LN:1084106
@SQ SN:flattened_line_32 LN:1078477
@SQ SN:flattened_line_34 LN:1066228
@SQ SN:flattened_line_36 LN:1062702
@SQ SN:flattened_line_38 LN:1062595
@SQ SN:flattened_line_40 LN:1047902
@SQ SN:flattened_line_42 LN:1050310
@SQ SN:flattened_line_44 LN:1045527
@SQ SN:flattened_line_46 LN:1024540
@SQ SN:flattened_line_48 LN:1021804
@SQ SN:flattened_line_50 LN:1020795
@SQ SN:flattened_line_52 LN:1017325
I really appreciate any help,
hi, Maybe confirm that the chromosome names match in your BAM with those in the "Genome" you have selected in IGV. From what your
samtools view
says, the chromosome (contig) names are like flattened_line_xx.What does "nothing happens" mean? You probably have to zoom in more.
I agree with @Devon. If you are sure that you have accurately created a genome file for IGV, then you probably just need to zoom in.
Are you sure you have the correct reference genome? It must be the same used for mapping.
Can you provide a screenshot from IGV ?
Also have to select a chromosome from the dropdown list otherwise nothing appears
If it is a denovo genome assembly, what alignments are you trying to look at?
Have you tried zooming in or select any chromosomes and try zooming it