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8.1 years ago
The EPIC peak caller is based on SICER. SICER can attempt to call peaks without a control. Is this possible with EPIC as well? The blind approach didn't work:
$ epic -t treated_A.bed -gn hg38 -cpu 8 -k KEEP_DUPLICATES > test
usage: epic [-h] --treatment TREATMENT [TREATMENT ...] --control CONTROL
[CONTROL ...] [--number-cores NUMBER_CORES] [--genome GENOME]
[--keep-duplicates KEEP_DUPLICATES] [--window-size WINDOW_SIZE]
[--gaps-allowed GAPS_ALLOWED] [--fragment-size FRAGMENT_SIZE]
[--false-discovery-rate-cutoff FALSE_DISCOVERY_RATE_CUTOFF]
[--effective_genome_length EFFECTIVE_GENOME_LENGTH]
[--store-matrix STORE_MATRIX] [--paired-end] [--version]
epic: error: argument --control/-c is required