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8.0 years ago
my Question is :
i have the gene expression data =genexpt.txt
column1 is gene name , the rest of the columns are expression values
I followed the steps in the MatrixEQTL website
the following is specifying the data in my working directory
expression_file_name = paste(currwd, "/genexpr.txt",sep="")
then I loaded the expression_file_name as follows:
> gene = SlicedData$new()
gene$fileDelimiter = "" # the TAB
> character gene$fileOmitCharacters = "NA" # denote missing values;
> gene$fileSkipRows = 1 # one row of column labels
> gene$fileSkipColumns = 2 # one column of row labels
> gene$fileSliceSize = 5000 # read file in slices of 2,000 rows
> gene$LoadFile(expression_file_name)
it gave me the following error
Error: nzchar(output_file_name) is not TRUE
Can anyone help with that please
Your delimiter setting seems to be weird. Would you try changing:
and try again? If you used another delimiter, please change "\t" accordingly.
means that you have TWO columns of row labels. Trying changing it to 1 also?