Background: This is a general question regarding UCSC's provided cytoband info, specifically whole-genome Giemsa Stain track information, as provided here:
https://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables (assembly = hg19; group = Mapping and Sequencing; track = Chromosome Band (ideogram); type = cytoBandIdeo).
My question: Where can I find annotations/nomenclature for the gieStain results in the table schema? ie. how was the values histogram calculated and what does it mean for DNA sequence/density.
Tags: I've tagged modules that cite UCSC's hg19 cytoband track, in case their users/devs happen to know the answer.
The Giemsa Stain Kit (May-Grunwald) is intended for use in the visualization of cells present in hematopoietic tissues and certain microorganisms. This kit may be used on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections. Scytek Laboratories Inc
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