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7.3 years ago
Hi everyone.
Bacterial genome database in NCBI was downloaded using FTP.
I was followed the NCBI site, so I used command line that
wget --recursive --no-host-directories --cut-dirs=6 ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/ -P my_dir/
And I can get this mention;
Removed ‘my_dir/.listing’.
FINISHED --2017-10-23 07:38:32--
Total wall clock time: 3d 15h 39m 18s
Downloaded: 3 files, 44K in 2m 55s (259 B/s)
Final downloaded file is only three; README.txt
, README_assembly_structure.txt
, README_change_notice.txt
Is that right commend line I used results?
Or do I need more steps if I want genome sequence database?