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7.2 years ago
I am working with STAR aligner and I wanted to ask how it treats large deletions. For example, in the read below:
if I cut away part of the read (and the respective quality string), is there some specific parameters I need to tweak in order for STAR to align the "before" and "after" the deletion parts and put maybe ...... where I cut away the sequence?
My standard way of running it is:
/STAR/STAR-2.5.3a/bin/Linux_x86_64/STAR --runThreadN 10 --genomeDir ../STAR_ALIGNMENTS/CONSTRUCT_star/ --readFilesIn sample.fastq
If homozygous deletions are what you are after I would suggest creating an insertion in the reference genome and use that for the alignment.
Ok, I will try to explain it a bit better:
My amplicon-seq is basically a construct of ~450nts which is sequenced using paired-end sequencing (each read has 250nts). This construct can be (potentially) modified by Cas9 in a CrispR-Cas experiment, say Cas9 could cut 5 or 10 nts somewhere but my read of course will still be 250 each, it will be only missing a part. So my question was, if, say, Cas9 cuts away from 80-86, would STAR align 1-80 and 87-end correctly and add ..... between 80 and 87? Is there some option I need to activate in order for it to happen?
Thank you!