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7.3 years ago
I am using data from GEO GSE8858. From what I understand, the probes have legacy identifiers (e.g. AA799313_PROBE1
, AA799329_PROBE1
etc). I would like to convert these to Entrez or Ensembl ids. Under each platform, I can retrieve the Gene bank accession number using the field "GB_ACC", and use them to map to Entrez ID using mygene
However, from the 10400 probes, I can only map 3800. Is there a better way to do this?
Thanks in advance
If you click on the platforms link you should be able to get a table of annotations. e.g. GPL5424, GPL5425 and GPL5426.
Yes, that is how I am doing it: from the annotations in those, I get the GB_ACC, which I then use to convert to Entrez. But this retrieves a very low number of Entrez ids. (I will edit my question to clarify this)