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7.2 years ago
Dear All,
I made a complex heatmap using complexheatmap package of R. I want to order columns of the heatmap based on order in my matrix data.
Any idea?
this is heatmap command I run:
hmap <- Heatmap(heat, name="Z-score",col=colorRamp2(myBreaks, myCol), column_order = samplesnames, cluster_columns = FALSE, heatmap_legend_param=list(color_bar="continuous", legend_direction="horizontal", legend_width=unit(3,"cm"), title_position="topcenter", title_gp=gpar(fontsize=10, fontface="bold")), split=df$EffectorName, cluster_rows=TRUE, show_row_dend=TRUE, row_title="Transcript", row_title_side="left", row_title_gp=gpar(fontsize=5, fontface="bold"), show_row_names=TRUE, row_names_side="left", row_title_rot=0, show_column_dend=TRUE, column_title="Samples", column_title_side="top", column_title_gp=gpar(fontsize=10, fontface="bold"), column_title_rot=0, show_column_names=TRUE, clustering_distance_columns=function(x) as.dist(1-cor(t(x))), clustering_method_columns="ward.D2", column_dend_height=unit(5,"mm"), clustering_distance_rows="euclidean", clustering_method_rows="ward.D2", row_dend_width=unit(5,"mm"), top_annotation_height=unit(0.5,"cm"), top_annotation=ColAnn, bottom_annotation_height=unit(1, "cm"), bottom_annotation=boxAnnCol)
This is a continuation of the discussion, here: C: Heatmap based with FPKM values (the discussion became too long and off topic).
Mehmet, can you please again paste a sample of your data and the
command that you are using so that everyone else can see. The ordering functions that I mention do work, as I use them a lot, but there must be some problem with your data and/or the way that you are executing theHeatmap()
function.When you paste your data, make sure that it looks presentable to others!
I don't know how to paste data as it is readable. Please follow the previous topic (Heatmap based with FPKM values).
Hi Kevin,
Now it is okay, I figured it out.
Here is my command:
Thank you very very very much......
Glad that you got it working! Now you see why it is called 'complex' heatmap! :)