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6.9 years ago
As as an exercise for evaluating Phyre I wanted to look at human proteins with neither obvious structure nor established function. Now Pfam does have DUFs (domains of unknown function) nested in this data sheet in fact http://pfam.xfam.org/family/browse?browse=d. However, in the UniProt interface wild cards do not work hence database:(type:pfam id:DUF*) wont do. Any ideas for finding which human Swiss-Prots contain a DUF?
You should get a list of all human proteins in UniProt containing DUF domains using this query:
annotation:(type:"positional domain" duf) AND organism:"Homo sapiens (Human) [9606]"
Where does this run please? Uniprot interface says bad syntax and I cant see those selects in the options
Thanks a lot, actually this ran - annotation:(type:"positional domain" duf) AND reviewed:yes AND organism:"Homo sapiens (Human) [9606]" Only gave 7 results but was not expecting much. Simple, when you know how :)
In addition to 7 reviewed proteins (UniProt/SwissProt), you have also 653 unreviewed proteins. Here is the link.
Thanks, but JFTR these are just TrEMBL bits and bobs