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6.9 years ago
Hello, I am new to NGS and wanted to know which genes are present in my aligned file. I have performed BWA MEM to obtain a sam file and used picard to get a sorted.bam file. I also used bedtools to get a BED file and used its annotate utility to find the gene id or gene symbol for my reads. But it was only giving my the coverage. How do I get my gene symbols or gene ids using bedtools or any other tool?
Please Help
Can you explain what your final goal is?
I want to get the genes that are present in my bacterial isolate and check with a database if that gene is virulent or rather the bacteria is virulent
Do you want the number of reads/pairs aligning to each gene or do you want to annotate each read with the gene it aligns to?
I want to annotate each read with the gene it aligns to
just curious: what would you with that information ?
I want to check if there are any virulent genes present in my bacterial sample
I strongly suspect that
would be easier then.Thank you so much it worked very well
so as said Devon , what about just counting " the number of reads/pairs aligning to each gene" ?