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6.8 years ago
Hi, I am a newbie to CWL and i still am learning how does it work. However, i have a task where i want to perform certain analysis on a gene. I have read the tutorials and i am i a little bit confused about its working. If anyone could provide me with a pipeline or just a few suggestions on how to do this, that would really be helpful.
Which tutorials have you read?
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Hey @hussain i read through the user guide available on the website, http://www.commonwl.org/user_guide/
I also read these tutorials- http://andrewjesaitis.com/2017/02/common-workflow-language---a-tutorial-on-making-bioinformatics-repeatable/ https://github.com/NLeSC/cwl-tutorial/blob/master/intro.md
However, they are either performing very simple tasks or using available libraries to perform their analysis
If i want to perform a task, suppose counting the number of gc base pairs in a given genome where do i specify that or how if i define a python script for the task do i use it in the cwl files