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6.7 years ago
Ankur B. Sharma
Hi Guys, I am new here and I am trying to analyse one ENCODE data set. I have gene quantification file with an extension of .tsv I wanted to check this file for check gene expression but the gene and transcript id are starting from 1000 I am new in bioinformatics but I am trying to learn. please suggest me how to proceed with it. You can see the picture in the below-mentioned link. Hoping to get a response soon.
please, describe your problem. We cannot understand:
what do you want to check ? why 'starting from 1000' could be a problem ?
see How To Ask Good Questions On Technical And Scientific Forums
You should check the ENCODE page (or rather the pipeline they used) for a refererence to these arbitrary gene IDs, so genomic/transcriptomic positions. Without any reference, your file is pretty much useless (IMHO this is another great example why I never download anything but the rawest of the raw data from ENCODE and process them myself).