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6.4 years ago
How can I split a multi-fasta file into individual sequence files in python?
How can I split a multi-fasta file into individual sequence files in python?
As the others have said, see other results on this forum, for example: Split the multiple sequences file into a separate files
Try this code
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
from Bio import SeqIO
def split(fastafile = "test_fasta.fasta",
outfastadir = "splitoutput"):
"""Extract multiple sequence fasta file and write each sequence in separate file"""
os.system("mkdir -p %s"% (outfastadir))
with open (fastafile) as FH:
record = SeqIO.parse(FH, "fasta")
file_count = 0
for seq_rec in record:
file_count = file_count + 1
with open("%s/%s.fasta" % (outfastadir,str(file_count)), "w") as FHO:
SeqIO.write(seq_rec, FHO, "fasta")
if file_count == 0:
raise Exception("No valid sequence in fasta file")
return "Done"
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(version="1.0",
description="Extract multiple sequence fasta file and write each sequence in separate file")
action ="store",
default ="test_fasta.fasta",
help="Fasta File for parsing")
action ="store",
default ="splitoutput",
help ="Fasta File output directory")
args = parser.parse_args()
split(fastafile = args.fastafile,
outfastadir = args.outfastadir)
I had a similar problem, and got this from another user on here (a.zielezinski)
fh = open("sequence.fa", "r")
for seq_record in SeqIO.parse(fh, "fasta"):
species_name = seq_record.id.split('-')[-1]
if species_name not in d:
d[species_name] = open(f"{species_name}.fa", "w")
Here's a link to my thread I got given it in Sorting and writing multifasta entries to new fasta files
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Always show an attempt in your post to show you tried something first.
Some hints :
You can use Biopython but it can be slow if you have a huge file
Or read the file line by line in a for loop, for each ">" at the beginning of a line, create a new file and write the current line and the next one into it. (you can even use the header of each sequence as output file name)
I think you can even do that in one Unix command
Okay, thank you Bastien
If this is a assignment you should always show the code your have written so far (if you need specific help).
Otherwise there are similar questions/solutions that can be found on this forum. Try doing an external google search.