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5.8 years ago
To fit the brownian motion for independent evolution of traits I used below code:
rownames(carni)<-gsub("_",".",rownames(carni)) #Renaming to match the tip of tree
#Independent Evolution
brown_indepen <- mvBM(carni_tree,carni,param=list(constraint="diagonal"))
is the function from mvMORPH package. It seems by giving constraint="diagonal" would fit the model for traits to be evolved independently. I would like to know the idea behind it. Also, I got the below output after running the code. I would also like to know what below output means.
LogLikelihood: -589.2373
AIC: 1186.475
AICc: 1186.771
4 parameters
Estimated rate matrix
size range
size 73.70335 0.00000
range 0.00000 13.54524
Estimated root state
size range
theta: 38.43947 13.78439
Size and range were the two traits.