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6.0 years ago
hey, I am doing an RNAseq analysis.(using edgeR) I am loading my data for differential analysis, my data is of normalized gene expression(FPKM). I am now just trying to make DEGList object but, it is showing "NA counts not allowed". I have removed all NA from the data and there is no blank cell in my .csv sheet, it is still showing the error. please suggest what should i do. thank you!!
command -
dgeFull <- DGEList(data, group=sampleInfo$condition) Error: NA counts not allowed
thankyou is there any way to convert FPKM data into read counts?
No, not without making assumptions and mistakes. If possible, try to get the original data.
original data being fastq files or BAM files, which you could use to generate simple counts of reads overlapping with genes