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5.5 years ago
When using following code in R, I am getting error
lolliplot(mutation_data, fillCol="mutation_type", labelCol="amino_acid_change", proteinColour = "#ffffff", paletteB ="green", txtSize=3, txtAngle=20, host="dec2013.archive.ensembl.org")
Using the following host: dec2013.archive.ensembl.org for biomaRt queries to change the ensembl annotation version alter this parameter!
Querying biomaRt for transcript sequence
Request to BioMart web service failed.
The BioMart web service you're accessing may be down.
Check the following URL and see if this website is available:
Error in if (!grepl(x = registry, pattern = "^\n*<MartRegistry>")) { :
argument is of length zero
How to solve this?
Origin of error is clear
Request to BioMart web service failed.
. Does that suggested link work for you?Thanks so much Smith. The given links are working.