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5.8 years ago
Hi, Basically I need to run the below command for converting bed file to target file(tsv):
gatk-launch --javaOptions "-Xmx4g" ConvertBedToTargetFile --input targets.bed --output targets.tsv
I have downloaded GATK and when unzipped the folder, all files except gatk-launch are available. I tried downloading gatk-launch file separately and saved it in the respective folder, but gatk-launch command doesn't work. Is there any alternative to this?
try to use 'gatk' instead of gatk-launch
Thanks Pierre. 'gatk' command works but --javaOptions command is not found when I try the command mentioned in the question. Kindly help.
What about
?So, my command was :
It says, JavaOptions command not found.
What about
?I tried --java-options, now it says
ConvertBedToTargetFile command not found
Please give the full, exact command you used and the full error you received.
Hi, I get the same error.
The command I have given is
and the below error shows up
Syntax should be
gatk --java-options "-Xmx4G" [program arguments]
. NotXmx4G
. Please read documentation carefully.Thanks Wouter. I edited my syntax with
I still get the same error.
gatk --list
will return all commands with are valid. See also this post on the GATK forum https://gatkforums.broadinstitute.org/gatk/discussion/comment/45203/#Comment_45203Which guidelines are you following?
I already did and there is no ConvertBedToTargetFile command in the list. I read the post on GATK forum few minutes ago and yes they have removed the command. Guidelines as in?
Thanks for the information :)
I tried running PreprocessIntervals command:
and the error I get is
How should I work further? TIA
There is a space in front of your
argument, as you can see from the error message. Try the command without extra spaces and without backslashes\
.Hey, I removed the space in the command and executed again, it runs. But it is now asking for a dictionary file of reference genome, while creating one using below gatk command:
I get the following error:
How should I go about it?
From here there are two options:
I do get your point. But it is sad to know that such comments are passed without knowing what the person on other end is doing. 1. I did check it with no space between the options and values. It still didn't work. 2. as far as "not reading the documentation correctly is considered" which you had already mentioned for
if you could just scroll up and look at the main question, it is properly written. I had missed it while writing it in the trail post, my bad and I apologise. Says who is lazy. 3. Just have a look at it there are spaces between options and values. 4. Me asking questions alternatively is because I'm new to NGS analysis and there are so many tools to look at and it's all confusing. Being a new user I have a limit of 5 posts/6 hrs and I have to finish a task by 6pm IST every day and I have access to this account only from 10am -6pm IST . Writing this to you hoping you would understand.Thanks for your reply, and I do understand. Maybe it's now my time to apologize, so I'm sorry. I'm happy to help here, but at the same time, you must know that I also don't know these things by heart. I also have to search for the documentation. Of course, it is harder if you are new to this, and I should have taken that into account.
One thing to keep in mind for GATK syntax is that the tool has changed quite a bit the past few years. The post you linked, for example, is from 2012 and uses a rather different syntax:
java -jar CreateSequenceDictionary.jar
, and notgatk CreateSequenceDictionary
.Second, the most up to date help you can get is on the command line itself:
gatk CreateSequenceDictionary -h
, which will show you that you need either-R
.Thanks for the reply. I totally understand. Will keep these trivial things(versions, command line options etc.) in mind before starting an analysis, as these play a major role.