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5.7 years ago
I am trying run standalone blastn for some of contigs from genome assembly. So i have installed ncbi-blast-2.9.0+ version and downloaded nr database, and then extracted all 43 files. Then tried blastn command, but it says BLAST database error: No alias or index file found for nucleotide database. Please help me to solve this error. Should I index all extracted database files ? or just extraction of all file is fine ?
Not sure what version of the indexes you downloaded (v5 or older) but there should be more than 43 files for
(there are 115 in v5). Sounds like you did not download the complete dataset.Can you please send me the link where we can download nr database. because the page from which I have downloaded has only 43 files. all started with nr_v5.00.tar.gz to nr_v5.43.tar.gz.
I just checked on NCBI's FTP site and there seem to be 43 files. In the past sometimes there has been an incomplete copy of databases on NCBI's FTP site so I suggest you send a ticket in to their helpdesk. It may take 2-3 business days to hear back from them but they do respond.