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5.6 years ago
I'm going through the GATK pipeline to realign bam files. I'm using this command line:
gatk SamToFastq -I markedadapters.bam -F /dev/stdout --CLIPPING_ATTRIBUTE XT --CLIPPING_ACTION 2 --INTERLEAVE true -NON_PF true -TMP_DIR= path/hello | bwa mem -M -t 12 -p /mydata/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta /dev/stdin | gatk MergeBamAlignment --ALIGNED_BAM /dev/stdin --UNMAPPED_BAM unmap.bam -O piped.bam -R /mydata/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta --CREATE_INDEX true --ADD_MATE_CIGAR true --CLIP_ADAPTERS false --CLIP_OVERLAPPING_READS true --INCLUDE_SECONDARY_ALIGNMENTS true --MAX_INSERTIONS_OR_DELETIONS -1 --PRIMARY_ALIGNMENT_STRATEGY MostDistant --ATTRIBUTES_TO_RETAIN XS -TMP_DIR= path/hello
I keep getting this error:
htsjdk.samtools.SAMException: Error in writing fastq file /dev/stdout
I'm about to give up and just run each command separately, but these files are ~150G :(
samtools collate | samtools fastq
a try.I've read that the behavior of Picard in regressing to a fastq file is preferable (forum post on Biostars, have to find it real quick)
I do not see why this would be the case. I am using the above command (and never used Picard for it) all the time, never fails :)
Could abbysue's problem be due to the fact that it's running inside docker and not on the local machine? the piped command listed should work
Could you try running the first part before the pipe and see if that works?
gatk SamToFastq -I markedadapters.bam -F /dev/stdout --CLIPPING_ATTRIBUTE XT --CLIPPING_ACTION 2 --INTERLEAVE true -NON_PF true -TMP_DIR= path/hello > mytest.fastq
If one of the steps later fails then the pipe will break. Make sure all components work before making a large piped command.
I ended up running
which of course worked. I tried your command and it worked!! So should I include the " > file.fastq" blurb to get my piped commands to work?
I had the same question!!
Are you on Mac?
Nope (this 20 character min... damn)
Ok, on Mac I sometimes had issues with non-writable stdout. As for the character limit, just add whitespaces ;-)