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5.5 years ago
I was running this command:
plink2 --threads 40 --vcf VCFchr22.vcf.gz --pheno pheno_Mtt.txt --pheno-name pheno --glm --out FINchr22
where my pheno_Mtt.txt looks like this (space separated):
FID IID pheno
1 1000017 1000017 -9
2 1000025 1000025 -9
3 1000038 1000038 1
4 1000042 1000042 -9
5 1000056 1000056 -9
6 1000074 1000074 -9
but I am getting: No entries in pheno_Mtt.txt correspond to loaded sample IDs.
The same error I get if I just have IID and pheno column tab separated in my pheno_Mtt.txt file.
Please advise, Thanks Ana