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4.7 years ago
Hi all,
would you please give me some resources or idea that how I can carry out data cleaning, normalization, analysis high throughput biomedical data in R.
and what are the bioinformatics tools I can use for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)?
I am a novice in this field. Please provide me with some resources.
You will have to be a lot more specific here.
Sorry for the elaborate question.
Actually I am going to apply in a Bioinformatics Analyst I post and they want a person who has a deep understanding of and some experience in processing high throughput biomedical data: data cleaning, normalization.
I am just graduated in Bioinformatics and have some little experience in RNA seq data analysis, but I am not understanding what they actually want from the candidate or how I can take preparation to answer the question on this topic in the interview. Please give me some suggestions.
What, specifically, are you not understanding? As we are not the recruiting firm, we cannot really answer as to what they really want. Poorly phrased and highly generalised job adverts are common, though; indeed, many employers still don't really understand what is bioinformatics, which is fine, because I neither understand many things (but would never pretend to, either).
Perhaps you should send an informal inquiry to them.
Thanks for the reply. I actually want to know how I can perform data cleaning and data normalization in R/Bioconductor during RNA seq or Chip seq data analysis? I did RNA seq data analysis by following a workflow but those were not included any code or any steps about data cleaning? It would be great if you give me some links or materials.
Please take a look through the Bioconductor workflows: https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/BiocViews.html#___Workflow