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4.6 years ago
I am tryiing to run GenomicsDBImport for exome region of chromosome 2 for whole genome gvcf (multiple samples provided as mylist2.list
my bed file is in this format:
chr2 41359 41765
chr2 45307 45927
chr2 45729 46454
1_S /544562991/1_S.chr2.g.vcf.gz
2_S /544562991/2_S.chr2.g.vcf.gz
After running this command:
gatk --java-options "-Xms4G -Xmx32G -DGATK_STACKTRACE_ON_USER_EXCEPTION=true" \
GenomicsDBImport \
--genomicsdb-workspace-path /home/exomes/SNPs/chr2 \
--batch-size 50 \
--intervals /08-JointCalling/SNPs/chr2.bed \
--sample-name-map /home/mylist2.list \
--tmp-dir=/data/tmp \
--reader-threads 5
I am getting this error below. Can someone please help me understand/resolve this error?
org.broadinstitute.hellbender.exceptions.GATKException: Cannot call query with different interval, expected:chr2:41360-41765 queried with: chr2:45308-46454
I remember at one time GATK GenomicsDBImport did not allow multiple intervals. It seems now this problem has been fixed. See: https://gatkforums.broadinstitute.org/gatk/discussion/13447/genomicsdbimport-intervals. Can you check your GATK version?
Yes that was version issue. It worked on GATK Thanks!