Course: Eukaryotic genome assembly USING Pacbio (Hifi and CLR) and Hi-C
When and where: ONLINE - 9th-13th of November 2020
Instructor: Dr. Marcela Uliano-Silva (Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK)
Teaching assistant: João Ferreira Nunes, MSc (University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Course website:
This course will introduce the audience to a spectre of methods which are present in a usual assembly workflow, starting from raw data and finishing with a fully assembled genome. We will see how to manipulate raw reads, analyse their quality, how to run different assembly algorithms, how to run Hi-C scaffolding algorithms and how to analyse assembly quality.
Both beginners and more advanced users will find useful information in this course. Course attendees must have a laptop with either macOS or any Unix version. Background in using mentioned operating systems via the command line is highly desirable. We will, however, cover the essentials throughout the hands-on sessions.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at: