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4.5 years ago
I am using Pysam to calculate how many bases of my reference contig (assembled from PacBio) are covered by the reads (Illumina sequenced from the same sample). I have tried both pileup and count_coverage. But their results are somehow different:
import pysam
input_file = mem_pe.bam"
samfile = pysam.AlignmentFile(input_file, "rb")
n = 0
for pileupcolumn in samfile.pileup("tig00000003", min_base_quality=0):
n += 1
print (n)
Output is 8817
n = 0
### for 4 bases
for i in range (4):
n += len([x for x in samfile.count_coverage("tig00000003", quality_threshold = 0)[i] if x != 0])
print (n)
Output is 16620.
So, why the two numbers are different please?
And how can I calculate the amount of bases covered by reads by using samtools please?