Hi there,
I am new to R and would like to import the taxonomy profile table of MetaPhlAn3 into the R package phyloseq to make use of the package decontam.
Therefore I merged several metaphlan analyses with the metaphlan internal command "merge_table". Then I imported the data into R using the read.table command:
merged_metaphlan <- read.table("/media/sf_projects/microbiome/Analysis_of_microbiome/WiP/KneadData/firsttry/Validation_Samples_PL018/PL0183103_5/subsamples/visualization/merged_subsamples_samples_1,2,5.txt", header = TRUE)
After that, I wanted to assign this to an otu_table and consequently load this into the phyloseq-class object:
otu_table(merged_metaphlan, taxa_are_rows = TRUE)
But it seems that phyloseq expects a matrix. Since the MetaPhlAn tabel comes with characters (the clade names and the according relative abundances), I receive the following error:
Error in validObject(.Object) : invalid class “otu_table” object:
Non-numeric matrix provided as OTU table.
Abundance is expected to be numeric.
Is there a way to directly import MetaPhlAn tables into phyloseq? Or do I need a work around, and if so, how can I do it?
Please use the formatting bar (especially the

option) to present your post better. I've done it for you this time.Using
software error
tag is pretty meaning less.MetaPhlAn3
would be a more useful tag to add.metaphlanToPhyloseq.R
refer to Import the metaphlan data to phyloseq section
Hi, did you manage to figure this out? I'm trying to do the same thing and I'm getting this error!
Please add some demo/ example data to your post. @ c.e.chong
I have run metaphlan3 and have a merged abundance output file that looks like this :
I want to input this into phyloseq. I used the command
This gave me the error:
I want to get this data into phyloseq so I can analyse it with deseq2 afterwards. I'm not sure how to create phyloseq objects from the metaphlan table. Do you have any expertise in this?
Thanks in advance!
copy/pasted from https://github.com/wipperman/wipperman/blob/master/R/microbiota.R:
Thank you so much for your help. I have managed to recreate what you did with this function. The function on wipperman GitHub however does not create a sample_data() as well as the tax table and out table which I need. The function from the Waldron lab that you linked first on this post does, but I cannot get this to work. Do you have any experience with this function? I have put my issues on this post (https://www.biostars.org/p/456397/#456575).
I'm very grateful for your help!
Unless input/example files and expected out put are added to the post, it is difficult to address the post @ c.e.chong
Hey c. e. chong,
sorry for getting back so lately. Did you manage to get MetaPhlAn into Phyoloseq? Do you use total read counts (-t rel_ab_with_read_counts) or du you use relative abundances (-t rel_ab) when using the calculations in that package? Do you also plan to make use of Decontam?
I guess we are working on quite the same topics, so maybe we should join forces here?
Best Philipp
Hey Everyone! did anyone manage to get the alpha beta-diversity from importing the metaphlan3 output into phyloseq? If yes please help me too to get there. All I know is that we can get the read count information from the metaphlan3 by rel_ab_w_read_stats after which I will make the merged metaphlan table using the command merge_metaphlan_tables.py script. How Do I import this table into phyloseq to get the alpha and beta diversity? I will provide the example files of metaphlan3 output if needed.
Thanks in advance!!