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4.4 years ago
Hello all,
I am trying to convert vcf file to bed file using plink pipeline. I used the following command: plink --vcf input.vcf --make-bed --o output
However, I had to change the names of my chromosomes to just numbers using awk command:
awk '{gsub(/^Chromosome_/,""); print}' no_chr1.vcf > no_chr2.vcf
I also have a lot of scaffolds in the genome such as
How do I go about changing it in a way that plink does not throw this error and that it does not overlap with already present chromosome numbers:
Invalid chromosome code '4_1' on line 13386275 of .vcf file.
My final step is to convert it to a bed file and use it in admixture software.
did you try to use the option
?I did and the analysis runs. however, It shows up as an error when I use it in admixture since the names are still present for scaffolds.
Hi, I am currently having the same issue. Have you managed to solve this?
I was finally successful by setting
--allow-extra-chr 0
. This seems to convert all scaffold names into 0, but indeed it works.