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4.3 years ago
Hi, I am trying to install Platypus on my server, It's building properly telling "Finished building Platypus", but after this when I start to call platypus by: python Platypus.py it throws an error
**Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Platypus.py", line 9, in <module>
import runner
File "/home/group_bioIT01/Anitha/tools/Platypus_0.8.1/runner.py", line 9, in <module>
import variantcaller
File "htslibWrapper.pxd", line 203, in init variantcaller (variantcaller.c:16971)
ImportError:/Platypus_0.8.1/htslibWrapper.so: undefined symbol: sam_hdr_destroy**
how to resolve this error?
Hi, Unless there is a specific reason to build the package yourself, you could take the conda route and install many bioinfo. related packages through one command-line step. The related page for platypus is here. Advantage of using conda is that it takes care of all software dependencies.
Actually, it builds properly but throws an error when I start running Platypus.