Hi, everyone!
I am currently performing HLA typing analysis using the bwakit-0.7.17 for Linux Mint 20. The problem comes when running the "run-bwamem" file, when we obtain empty output files. We have even tried to perform it through Miniconda by typing the next:
$ bin/run-bwamem -o out -H -R"@A01056:45:HJ2KFDSXY" hs38DH.fa read_1.fq read_2.fq
and then we obtain:
bin/seqtk mergepe read_1.fq read_2.fq \
| bin/bwa mem -p -R'@A01056:45:HJ2KFDSXY' hs38DH.fa - 2> out.log.bwamem \
| bin/samtools view -1 - > out.aln.bam;
I don't know what it might be happening, but it is nerve-racking! Maybe, we lack of some dependencies. I would be really pleased if someone could figure it out the problem.
Thank you all in advanced!
what are the error messages ? is there anything in out.log.bwamem ? your read group definition is WRONG. what is this option '-1' of samtools view ? samtools view doesn't generate a BAM file here.