Dear all,
We have the last seats left on the 2nd edition (ONLINE) of our course "GENOME ASSEMBLY USING OXFORD NANOPORE SEQUENCING"
When: 22 - 26 February 2021
Course website:
Instructors: Dr. Robert Vaser and Josip Maric (University of Zagreb, Croatia - Here you can find our interview with our instructors:
This course will introduce the audience with a spectre of methods which are present in a usual assembly workflow, starting from raw data and finishing with a fully assembled genome. We will see how to obtain nucleotide sequences from raw signals, dive deeper into the most used assembly paradigm for long fragments, try out and compare several state-of-the-art assemblers, and at last, assess the quality of the obtained assembly with and without a reference genome. Structured over five days, this course consists of both theoretical and practical aspects which are intertwined through each day. The presented theoretical foundation will be applied on small bacterial datasets and visualized in order to better grasp the algorithms at hand.
Here is the full list of our courses and Workshops:
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:
I am not a fan of the SHOUTING here, please don't do this, even if you are excited about making a lot of money off your workshops.