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12.5 years ago
I have an embl file of my annotated genome. How can I convert it to bed format so I can use it in Bed tools? Will I get the output like that in the converted bed file from embl? e.g.
Gene start end
BRCA 120 279
BRCB 390 578
CDRA 890 1176
had a look before but there is no option to convert in Bed format
I guess you would need to convert GFF to BED then. Ah ... I just remembered that converting BED to GFF was the first question that I posted on Biostar: http://www.biostars.org/post/show/2/how-do-i-convert-from-bed-format-to-gff-format/
thanks..I am going through it
I managed to convert my embl format to C++ text format..now I m trying to convert that to bed