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11.7 years ago
Carlos Borroto
I guess my question is, is there a tool already integrated into gkno to merge 454's ".fna" and ".qual" files into a FASTQ file? If not, any recommendation on a good candidate tool for which I could write the JSON configuration?
Thanks, Carlos
You are correct, I could always use some script(I actually wrote my own using Biopython) to do this work before running gkno, but that would defeat the purpose of doing everything inside a very convenient gkno pipeline. And to the second part of my question, if gkno doesn't have such a tool currently, I would like to hear comments on a mature tool that could get integrated into gkno to do the conversion. There is some work involve in integrating a tool into gkno, I would like to do such work for a mature tool if there is one.
Thanks, Carlos