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11.7 years ago
Hello, For my internship I need to treat some microbial kinetics. I have to find the inflection point to calculate retards between two different kinetics, for example. At first, I tried to use the drc package, the function drm with a L.3 model but someone explain me that we can do it by a lm : "After all, kinetics are exponential processes which become linear when one takes the natural log"
But I'm very bad at this part of the statistics, I don't understand what he want to explain me, have i to make the log of my datas and after use lm ? How to recover the abscissa of my point ?
I don't know anything about the kinetic modeling part of your question, but for the log part of it I guess you're talking about log-linear models.
It sounds like you need to talk with whoever gave you that advice to seek clarification. It's very difficult to understand the context from your question as written.
Ah, on seqanswers you had mentioned an exponential equation, not that it's a log-logistic model. My previous suggestion wouldn't be helpful for you then.
I said that I have to treat a microbian kinetic, it's a curve which looks like a logistic function, I never said that it was only an exponential, the exponential is a part of the cruve only. Sorry, i thought that I was clear but i'm not :/