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11.7 years ago
I am currently trying to use a local instance of Galaxy to create a workflow to perform metatranscriptomic analysis (this is the first time that I use a workflow management system). For now, I am looking for a tool to detect chimeric reads among single-end reads ; does anybody what is the better tool for that?
bwa-sw also find chimeric reads, but for short reads, it is slower and less sensitive than bwa-mem.
Thanks, it looks like some bwa wrappers exists for Galaxy, but I didnt figured out yet what version of bwa they wrap. Btw, do you think it would be possible to perform chimeric reads detection by using bowtie2?
edit : the current (14/06/2013) bwa wrapper available in the Galaxy tool shed wraps bwa 0.5.9 and calls the bwa index command, so it is probably not suitable for chimeric reads detection
For short reads, you can use bowtie2. You can use the
mode and ask it to report two best hits. However, bowtie2 is not really designed for chimeric reads. bwa-mem should work better (biased opinion of course). As to STAR, my limited experience is it has a high false positive rate. I do not know how much that matters with downstream analyses. There is also YAHA, but I have not tried myself.I don't think Bowtie2 is really the right tool for this particular application because it does not use split read mapping. The STAR aligner (http://code.google.com/p/rna-star/) can do it and I have seen it included in some Galaxy installations (not the main one though, I think)