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11.4 years ago
Dear All,
Can someone suggest me on how to generate a rarefaction curve in mothur using the cluster output from Uparse.?
Given than UPARSE is hot off the blocks (it only was released less than 2 weeks ago) I haven't had a chance to give it a run, let alone give it a run in MOTHUR. The output is the same as USEARCH/UCLUST so I don't see how you would generate a rarefaction curve any differently than you would have using the previous versions of the program in MOTHUR.
So, two questions: Were you able to generate rarefaction curves before in MOTHUR using UCLUST/USEARCH? ...and, what have you tried to generate rarefaction curves using UPARSE and what errors are you getting?
Hi Josh,
I was able to generate rarefaction curves using the standard protocols suggested by mothur. I understand that mothur requires a .list or a .rabund file to create a rarefaction file. I had a try at UParse and I got an OTU table from it. I was just curious to know how do I convert this cluster file from Uparse to a .rabund file or a .list file so that it is recognised by mothur.