Whey I try to convert one of my bam-files with bam2bed from the bedops suite (version 2.3.0) I get an error saying that my bam-file contains tags that are not in the samtools specification.
bam2bed < myfile.bam
My bam-file is made with bwa and quality scores are recalibrated with GATK that ads BD and BI tags to the bam file
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/irsan/programs/bedops/version_2.3.0/bin/bam2bed", line 716, in <module> sys.exit(main(*sys.argv)) File "/home/irsan/programs/bedops/version_2.3.0/bin/bam2bed", line 637, in main samTags.append(elems[idx]) File "/home/irsan/programs/bedops/version_2.3.0/bin/bam2bed", line 159, in append raise Exception("Appended tag (%s) is not valid per SAMtools specification" % tagName) Exception: Appended tag (BD) is not valid per SAMtools specification
allValidSamTags = ['AM',
'BD', # <-- added by me
'BI', # <-- added by me
Should I just add 'BD' and 'BI' to the list of allValidSamTags
in bam2bed
script or is there a better way?
I may add custom tags support, so that the end user can specify those as a command-line option. You could edit this script, in the meantime, as you describe.
This is fixed in v2.4. See BEDOPS v2.4 released and http://bedops.readthedocs.org/en/latest/content/reference/file-management/conversion/bam2bed.html for a description of the