I have an experiment with four conditions (control and three treatment groups) and five time points for each condition. I would like to estimate the overall effect of each condition (control as reference) and test the significance of this effect for each condition. I then would like to estimate the effect (along with test for significance of each condition (control still as reference) at each time point separately. So far I have the following
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = Counts,colData = meta,design = ~ Condition + Time + Condition:Time)
dds$Condition <- relevel(dds$Condition,ref = 'Control')
dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds)
dds <- DESeq(dds)
This article Talks about one model for comparison as such
It described the model as such
I would like to compare one reference group vs rest of the condition
How do i implement this in deseq2? or rather how to use this to make contrast as you have shown above?