Extract information from Ensembl
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3.7 years ago

Hello everyone,

i'm asked to automate a process including SNP research on Ensembl Web site. The process was set on couple peptides , now we have to work on ~ 500 peptides.

The pipeline included :

1 - BLAST (done locally with command line), from which we get ''accession number" of 2 top Best Hits (BH)

2 - this accession numbers are passed on Ensembl to study their variations (variant table in the image)

3 - Results: for the table below, i need to extract the following information/columns for all peptides ( 500 (initial pep) 2 (BH) = 1000* ) : Global MAF , Conseq. Type , AA and Transcripts

Any idea how i can do that ? i heard APIs or Web scraping may do that , any help please !

 Screenshot of manual research result

SNP automation python Ensembl • 2.9k views
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Please, please, please don't do web-scraping.

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3.7 years ago
Emily 24k

I would recommend the Ensembl REST API with the overlap/id endpoint, for example:


Script around this in your preferred programming language to go through your input list and pull out the datapoints you need. There's an online course to get you started in Python or R if you need it.

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This is what I had planned to do at the first place, but since I never used APIs before, i was confused about which one to chose for SNPs reseach .. especially that as you can see in the picture for each ID, we get a hug number of SNPs (scrolling barre at the fac right )

So you recommend that i use the " overlap/id " where i put the accession number as ID and filter the output in order to get only the information's mentioned in my post above, is it right?

I'll take the APIs course right away to better understand the process. Thank you Emily.

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Hello again Emily,

Your course was of major help for me thank you so much, it's exactly what i was looking for .

I did the exercises of the Jupyter Notebook. i have a little problem When i run the code on Arabidopsis thaliana gene AT3G52430, i get the results , as shown below

However, when i do that on homo sapien gene XP_006719985.1 , i get this error :

HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: http://rest.ensembl.org//overlap/id/ENST00000620763.1?feature=variation

1st code

import requests, sys, json
from pprint import pprint

def fetch_endpoint(server, request, content_type):

    r = requests.get(server+request, headers={ "Accept" : content_type})

    if not r.ok:

    if content_type == 'application/json':
        return r.json()
        return r.text

print ("Variant\tSource\tAlleles")

# define the general URL parameters
server = "http://rest.ensembl.org/"
ext_overlap = "/overlap/id/AT3G52430?feature=variation"
con = "application/json"

# submit the query
get_overlap = fetch_endpoint(server, ext_overlap, con)

pprint (get_overlap)

# for variant in get_overlap:
#     id = variant['id']
#     source = variant['source']
#     alleles = ', '.join(variant['alleles'])

#     print (id + "\t" + source + "\t" + alleles)

{'alleles': ['G', 'T'], 'assembly_name': 'TAIR10',
'clinical_significance': [], 'consequence_type': 'missense_variant', 'end': 19433465, 'feature_type': 'variation', 'id': 'ENSVATH00415810', 'seq_region_name': '3', 'source': 'The 1001 Genomes Project', 'start': 19433465, 'strand': 1},

2nd code

import requests, sys, json
from pprint import pprint

r = requests.get(server+request, headers={ "Accept" : content_type})

if not r.ok:

if content_type == 'application/json':
    return r.json()
    return r.text
# define the general URL parameters
server = "http://rest.ensembl.org/"
ext_overlap = "/overlap/id/ENST00000620763.1?feature=variation"
con = "application/json"

# submit the query
get_overlap = fetch_endpoint(server, ext_overlap, con)

pprint (get_overlap)

# for variant in get_overlap:
#     id = variant['id']
#     source = variant['source']
#     alleles = ', '.join(variant['alleles'])

#     print (id + "\t" + source + "\t" + alleles)`

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTTPError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-11-d5dde983fc74> in <module>() 23 24 # submit the query ---> 25 get_overlap = fetch_endpoint(server, ext_overlap, con) 26 27 pprint (get_overlap)

1 frames /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py in raise_for_status(self) 939 940 if http_error_msg: --> 941 raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self) 942 943 def close(self):

HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: http://rest.ensembl.org//overlap/id/ENST00000620763.1?feature=variation

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Try it without the version number on the transcript ID, eg:

ext_overlap = "/overlap/id/ENST00000620763?feature=variation"
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Hi i did that, it worked perfectly, i could then manage that to obtain the transcript of interest according to its version number.
There juste some datapoints that i can't find : Global MAF (corresponding to allele frequency) , AA and AA cord

this is the list of features available in the documentation (link to doc) : Enum(band, gene, transcript, cds, exon, repeat, simple, misc, variation, somatic_variation, structural_variation, somatic_structural_variation, constrained, regulatory, motif, chipseq, array_probe).

I tried to run them all and look for that info, i think I'm missing it somehow ..

ext_overlap = "overlap/id/AT3G52430?feature=variation;feature=transcript"

{'alleles': ['G', 'A'], 'assembly_name': 'GRCh38', 'clinical_significance': [], concequence_type': 'missense_variant', 'end': 54333651, 'feature_type': 'variation', 'variant_id': 'rs782739360', 'seq_region_name': 'X', 'source': 'dbSNP', 'start': 54333651, 'strand': 1}]

{'Parent': 'ENSG00000234566', 'assembly_name': 'GRCh38', 'biotype': 'processed_pseudogene', 'description': None, 'end': 54224062, 'external_name': 'RPL7AP71-201', 'feature_type': 'transcript', 'id': 'ENST00000451120', 'logic_name': 'havana_homo_sapiens', 'seq_region_name': 'X', 'source': 'havana', 'start': 54223324, 'strand': 1, 'tag': 'basic', 'transcript_id': 'ENST00000451120', 'transcript_support_level': 'NA', 'version': 1}]

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You may need to put the variants into the VEP endpoint to get those.

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Hi, I am still interested to know how this is scaling up to 1000 genes and how this compares to a BioMart query in both data volume and backend load. If I understand correctly, the output given here contains the variants for a single gene and the format leads to a lot of additional data transfer.

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3.7 years ago
Michael 55k

That is definitely a BioMart task. No way screen-scraping is going to work here.

On the Ensembl site, click BioMart, then design your query in the query builder. Once you are happy with the query, you can export it into a Perl script. You can modify the perl script to use with different accessions to use on the fly, or simply define a filter for gene ids via the web interface.


Did a little experiment using the biomaRt package in R. And it looks it is feasible to download the data, if the query is crafted carefully. Here, I am just taking 10 gene. The query time might depend mostly on the number of variants per gene, which can vary every broadly. At this rate, downloading all variants for 1000 genes would take approximately 2 hours. The advantage of this approach is that it requires little if any parsing and less network traffic. If there are still concerns of overusing the server, one could break down the whole job into even smaller packages and distribute over a few hours.

ensembl.mart <- useEnsembl(biomart = "ensembl")
d <- useDataset(mart = ensembl.mart, dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
system.time( gene.ids <- unlist(getBM(mart = d, attributes = c("ensembl_gene_id" )  )))

# get variants one gene at a time not to overload the server
get.one <- function(gene.id) {
    getBM(mart = d, attributes = c(
        "allele" ), filters = list(ensembl_gene_id=gene.id)) 
res <- NULL
    for (i in 1:10) { 
        tmp <- get.one(sample(gene.ids, 1))
        print (paste("got", nrow(tmp), "results" ))
        if (nrow(tmp) > 0) {
            res <- rbind(res, tmp)
        Sys.sleep(5) # Pause a while not to overuse the server


[1] "got 10069 results"
[1] "got 3090 results"
[1] "got 7685 results"
[1] "got 4224 results"
[1] "got 3 results"
[1] "got 3124 results"
[1] "got 1 results"
[1] "got 1 results"
[1] "got 1 results"
[1] "got 4816 results"
   user  system elapsed 
  2.721   0.265  68.091 
> dim(res)
[1] 33014     4
> object.size(res)
3300368 bytes
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Please, please, please, don't use BioMart for this. It is too big a task for BioMart to handle and you'll jam up our servers.

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Thanks Micheal for your suggestion. I was actually trying to figure out how to work that on my queries datasete until Emily's intervention.

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Hi, sorry for that. I was of the conviction that BioMart was the most efficient tool for retrieving large scale data. Unfortunately, there are too many variants, so variants are a special case. Interestingly, it is not even easy to find out how many there are in single gene. So if you query 1000 genes, you have to expect millions of variants. You should definitely go with the recommendation from Ensembl staff, but I am not sure you will be successfully scale that up to thousands of genes.

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Exactly, there's hug informations to get, we are thinking of a way to filter our needs in order to facilitate the research.

Thanks for your intervention Michael :) .

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I think I got a feasible solution here, please see the edit.


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