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3.7 years ago
Hello guys and experts,
Please, could any one explain to me if there is a correlation between the Elastic net method that could predict a list of genes, and GAIA (genomic analysis of important aberrations) which extract aberrant regions and annotate genes ?
Appreciate any help please please!
Hi, you are speaking about 2 very different things, why? Elastic net regression is a form of penalised regression where the value of alpha ranges between 0.0 (ridge regression) and 1.0 (lasso regression). GAIA is a method to identify recurrent somatic copy number alterations. Please help us to understand what you are trying to do.
Kevin Blighe Blighe Dear Dr.Kevin, here is Chaima could you please share your official email with me again, i lost my old email, this question is belong to a contribution, i can share further details with you if you agree please.? Thank you in advance.
Hi, I think that you just need to reply to the person to explain both methods, and to then state that they (the methods) are doing different things. Therefore, 'correlating' the two methods does not make much sense. Or, perhaps, ask a question to the person to explain better what they mean.