Hey everyone!
My problem is next: I got many FAST5 files from MiniON, then I run guppy to basecall them (with default parameters on GPU). As a result I got FastQ-files. Then I read there were a lot of ways for demultiplexing my reads. And I chose Qcat, it gave me 18 FastQ-files each from different experiment (they differ in barcodes). And now I can't understand my reads trimmed or not? I've tried to run FastQC with one of these files and I didn't see overrepresented sequencies or adapters. May be in general problem is: do demultiplexing trim the reads while defining their barcodes? Btw I ran Qcat without additional parameters.
if you are looking to trim the reads: Demultiplexing MinION readsHi I have a fastq file from guppy base caller and am trying to demultiplex with porechop, and I get an error saying that Porechop could not determine the barcode orientation. This is the the code I ran. Can someone help me understand this error? Thank you.
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