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3.2 years ago
I am trying to calculate correlation coefficient for node degree distribution in Cytoscape v3.8.2. For the obtained node table for my network, I have used "degree" column as x axis for fitting a power-law. However, I don't understand from node table, which column should be y axis in order to get value of R.
The columns in my node table (undirected network) are:
AverageShortestPathLength BetweennessCentrality ClosenessCentrality ClusteringCoefficient Degree Eccentricity EdgeCount Indegree NeighborhoodConnectivity NumberOFDirectedEdges OutDegree PartnerOfMultiEdgeNodePairs Radiality Selfloops TopologicalCoefficient degree.layout NumChildren NumDescendents
What should be the column for y-axis?
Thank you.